As life goes on…

Since after the pandemic Fanclub has been on an indefinite break. As different life changing events are unfolding for the four of us – education, moving out of the city, starting a family, searching and trying out new paths – there has been a need to take a step back from producing (in this constellation) in order to see where life/dance will take us. Fanclub is still very much in our hearts and we see different possible futures out there, but for now we are taking the time to let life unfold in all its messy, complex and beautiful ways…

But hey, don’t be strangers. We would love to hear from you with any thoughts or ideas that you might have.

Lots of ♥ from us to you
/ Andrea, Carolina, Ellesiv and Sofia

Medvirkende søges til Syndfloden

I sommeren 2020 er Fanclub inviteret af kunstnerkollektivet Vontrapp til at sætte op SYNDFLODEN – et stort interaktivt installationsværk, på M/S Museet for Søfart i Helsingør.

Projektet søger nu mennesker i alle aldre (over 15 år) – nysgerrige amatører og kunstentusiaster – der har lyst til at medvirke i ensemblet for den endelige forestilling på frivillig basis.

Forestillingen udvikles i løbet af foråret/sommeren og spiller tre gange som del af Passage-festival d. 30 juli-1 august 2020.

Se flyer med alle informationer samt tilmeldingsprocedure her
NB. tilmeldingsfrist er forlænget

Vi håber det er af interesse. Spred gerne informationen videre!
♥ Fanclub og Vontrapp

ARKEN at Y Choreography

Fanclub in collaboration with Vontrapp showing ARKEN during HAUT’s choreographic festival – Y Choreography

October 27th at 2-2.45pm, HAUT c/o Sort/Hvid, Staldgade 26-30 in Copenhagen

The Ark is an investigation and re-actualization of the deluge myths. Unfolding as a choreographic installation, where the dancers’ collective Fanclub integrate and dance with different fragments from what might be a postmodern Ark. As mankind, the audience must engage if they are to safe themselves from the tidal wave to come. The audience can no longer look at themselves as mere spectators, but must engage in the work, so they end up with the concrete physical responsibility for the maintenance of the Ark of our time.

Vontrapp develops universes with a significant visual and musical expression. The Ark is their first work created for a black box, as they usually work site specific.

Words on WOWOWOW

Through the Bastard blog you can now read about and take part of our performance WOWOWOW – re-discovering, re-entering or maybe encounter it for the first time.

Words by Naja Lee Jensen (interdisciplinary artist) and Joe Barker (phd in philosophy).

As a smaller dance production in Denmark it can be rather difficult to get a qualitative critique published – or just any press coverage at all really – so this time we decided to take it in our own hands. We invited two independant writers to share their experience and thoughts of the performance, which premiered at Dansehallerne c/o Koncertkirken in Copenhagen, March 2019. The result is two very different, vivid and interesting texts.

The important ting for us is not the critique per se, but rather the exchange of experiences, understandings and ideas connected to the performance. How do YOU read the performance, and YOU, and YOU? This exchange is crucial for us in order to understand the work in new or other ways, to dig deeper into the material and to keep on developing our performance. The beautiful thing with live art is just that – that it is alive and for ever evolving, tumbling, twisting and turning…

Thank you Bastard blog for the space and to Naja and Joe for your time and generosity.
Now – enjoy the read!

Naja Lee Jensen – “At se en forestilling flere gange er et privilegium. Særligt en forestilling som WOWOWOW, hvis fokus på kollektivet efter andet gennemsyn giver mig mulighed for at reflektere over min egen forestilling om, hvad et kollektiv i og udenfor scenerummet er.”

Joe Barker – “WOWOWOW, a new piece by Fanclub and Quim Bigas, attempts to work through, in real time, Jerome Bel’s idea of liberating dance from choreography. However, what we have here is not the liberation of individuals and their all-too-personal feelings. Instead, there is a much more difficult liberation: the liberation of collective movements, passing between bodies without conceptual control or domination.”

Fanclub is part of LEK!

Fanclub is part of LEK! (PLAY!) – an exhibition that explores what patterns of thinking and professional groups lie behind the construction of spaces that encourage play, and invites visitors and creatives to consider how we design or do not design for play.

Opening September 4th at 9-11am and running until November 3rd at Form/Design Center in Malmö

It’s been a great experience and we look forward to present and share our contribution SPIRALEK – a score for play.

“In playing as well as in dancing the body is used as a tool where all senses are put into action and boundaries are tested and challenged. A temporary meeting place where we get an opportunity to explore different relationships and hierarchies together with other(s). With the play-generator SPIRALEK, Fanclub wish to inspire both adults and children to create their own playful situations. An opportunity to awaken imaginations, exchange experiences as well as getting to know each other and the city in which they live.”

Hope you can make it!
♥ Fanclub